MICO product guide

ZF Off-Highway Product Guide

(Form Number 80-950-006)

This is our introductory catalog for ZF Off-Highway Solutions Minnesota Inc. products. It provides product photos and brief descriptions of the product portfolio offerings in brakes, brake actuation, valves, and controls.

MICO hydraulic master cylinder catalog

Hydraulic Master Cylinders

(Form Number 84-001-001)

A 36-page catalog designed to help you better understand the different types of master cylinders MICO has to offer. Each group of cylinders include a specifications chart and exterior dimensional drawing.

MICO Boosted Master Cylinders catalog

Boosted Master Cylinders

(Form Number 84-460-007)

This 24-page catalog contains a detailed explanation of how the boosted master cylinders operate. Individual sections of this catalog include features, specifications, sectional, and dimensional drawings.

MICO Accumulator Charging Valves catalog

Accumulator Charging Valves

(Form Number 84-463-001)

This 28-page catalog is loaded with features, model numbers and specifications.

MICO Hydraulic Brake Valves catalog

Hydraulic Brake Valves

(Form Number 84-466-001)

This 64-page catalog is loaded with features, model numbers and specifications.

MICO Multiple Disc Brakes catalog

Multiple Disc Brakes

(Form Number 84-500-001)

This catalog is loaded with features, model numbers, specifications, input and output shaft configurations, and order information. There are also engineering design considerations for multiple disc brake applications.

MICO Caliper Disc Brakes catalog

Caliper Disc Brakes

(Form Number 84-500-001)

This catalog summarizes the MICO Caliper Disc Brake line. Model numbers, specifications, dimensional drawings, and torque charts are part of each section. We have also included conversion factors, useful formulas, and a percent of grade chart.

MICO Application Illustrations

Application Illustrations

(Form Number 84-950-025)

The intended purpose of this catalog is to provide an understanding on how ZF components can be used in hydraulic and electrohydraulic brake systems. The systems and components shown in the illustrations and schematicsc may not be exact representations of actual machines.